When Can You Trust Yourself?

by | Nov 3, 2014

We’ve all had experiences when we thought we were acting wisely, but it turned out that we weren’t. When can we trust ourselves and when not? And how can we know?

The origin of Shaboom and an invitation to apply for individual coaching

The name of my company, Shaboom, is taken from a tune written and recorded by The Chords in 1954. The refrain, “Life could be a dream” captures the promise and impermanence of dreams. It calls us to be bold, visionary, and creative. It honors intuition and alternate ways of knowing. And it reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously.

It’s exactly what I want for myself and for my clients.

I have room for a couple of individual coaching clients before the end of the year. This is an opportunity to work with me at a deep level to get unstuck, hook up your genius, and take bold action to create your dreams. I’m interviewing prospective clients now.
To learn more and apply, please click here.