How to survive business mistakes and thrive ever after

by | Dec 31, 2012

December was an interesting month.

First the forums where peeps from my classes and groups hang out went down. People couldn’t get in, and when they did manage to get a page to open, they’d be stuck there, unable to open another page or to submit a post.

Soon every function on my web sites that involved a script or database (the shopping cart, forums, blog, among others) froze as well. Among other things, affiliate codes stopped working. That meant that dozens of links to the Profit Alchemy web page took people to an error page.

Not the best way to run a launch.

Then I started making mistakes. I forgot to check on the links to download the New Year’s Gift Profit Alchemy 101 course, and none of them worked. I fixed that and sent an email saying they were working again, but forgot to include the original link to the download page.

I wrote an email to fix that and to explain the server problems. You can bet I proofed that sucker carefully. I read it line by line, word by word, four times.

But I forgot to proof the subject line. Instead of “The saga of errors…” I wrote “The sage of errors.”

Actually I kind of like that.

For me being a sage of errors means holding mistakes lightly even as we correct them. It means accepting responsibility, while declining to do the shame dance.

Being a sage of errors means being a learner rather than a knower. As someone who has a highly developed need to know, errors are a keenly phrased invitation to let it go.

And being a sage of errors means showing up even when you’d really like to hide.

Finally, being a sage of errors means laughing early and often. Life and business provide endless fodder for standup comedy. I figure that when the joke is one us, we might as well be the ones who tell it.

Wishing you all the best in 2013,


New Year’s Gift: Four-part Profit Alchemy 101 Course

In case you missed it last week or gave up in confusion, here are details of the free four-part Profit Alchemy 101 course.

This is a full-fledged, stand-alone course. I haven’t offered it since 2010 because I incorporated it into the nine-month Profit Alchemy program.

In it you will get:

  • A five-minute daily practice that has generated sustained self-confidence and momentum for hundreds of clients.
  • A tool for overcoming resistance, whether it’s resistance to structure, resistance to marketing, or any other kind of resistance that keeps you from making a good living at work you love.
  • Three questions to help you focus when you feel like you just can’t prioritize.
  •  11 possibility-openers for times when you hit a dead-end.

You can download the recordings and handouts for all four classes, click here.

Confidence, Structure, Know-how, and Ways to Work with Resistance
That’s what I want for you and it’s why I created the nine-month Profit Alchemy course.

Profit Alchemy is quite different from other practice building programs in three ways.

  • Customization.
  • Transformation.
  • Follow through.

Profit Alchemy is designed so that what you learn is customized to fit you and your business. You don’t have to stumble about trying to make the pieces fit.

Many Accidental Entrepreneurs feel quite vulnerable about choosing to make a profit. Profit Alchemy is designed so that you meet the inner and outer challenges of becoming profitable with insight and grace. It shows you how to grow your income while you grow spiritually and psychologically.

Follow through
Profit Alchemy is structured so that you take action and stay in action until you get results. The nine-month design combined with mastermind groups and accountability practices make sure you do what you came to do.

Click here to learn more about Profit Alchemy, apply, and schedule your Purpose and Profit Strategy Session.

The course begins on January 8th, so if you want help with your business in 2013, please take a look now.

Photo by Vintage Posters via Flickr