Gratitude, Grace, and Enoughness

There’s a relationship among gratitude, grace, and the recognition that you have enough. Have you suspected or seen through the limitations of New Age magical thinking, but you still sense that there is magic at work in the world? I coach men and women in the...

How to reap the spiritual gifts of overwhelm with the four power virtues

Why do people get engaged before they get married? To engage is to become involved in a deep and committed way. The earliest root of the word meant to pledge, and that meaning has endured over the centuries. When you engage, you pledge your attentions and energy to...

Gratitude, Aspirations, and Great Good Fortune

It’s Thanksgiving week in the USA, and gratitude is a natural theme for this week’s article. And, as important as gratitude is, the reality is that we don’t always experience as much of it as we might wish. This got me thinking: How do we relate to...